Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Love Yourself

Sometimes, meeting other people, helps you appreciate yourself more:

Who you are
Your upbringing
The real people in your life

Some people may think they have life figured out already, but all good things come from the most high.

Earthly wisdom is foolish compared to God's wisdom.

Remember, Christ said, "Beware the leaven, which is hypocrisy."

The leaven are the so-called high people of the church.

They love the uppermost seats in the synagogue, and they love the greetings in the market. But they are as graves, and man that step over them, know not.

So just because a person may act and talk like a Christian, and may talk a hole in your head, beware.

There is not one good person on Earth. Even Christ reminded us that God is good, and there is no God beside him.