Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Everybody Wants A 'Ready Made...

They don't wanna know how its made.

I remember I started this blog small. Now its a lil bigger.

I remember I carried my tv and my laptop to the library, just to see the screen.

I remember the hunger the hunger pains, from 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, waitin for Salvation Army to open.

Let me tell you what I wanna forget:

So-called bosses treatin me like crap
So-called bosses talkin talkin to me, like my life is worth nothin
So-called bosses screamin at me in a way I would never talk to my child
So-called bosses actin like slave masters

Hungry ain't nice, but its sure good to be free.

I serve Jah alone, If I die, I might get to see him sooner.

The devil roams this Earth.

You may see a person, the spirit within the person, might be wretched.